Friendly reminder!
Today's parents are under a constant, relentless pressure by pharmaceutical industry to use medications (over-the-counter or prescription medications) to correct even the most innocent and harmless symptoms in their children. While in the not-so-distant past the usual "cure" for the running nose was nothing more than a box of Kleenex, today's parents look for medications to accomplish the same task. Obviously, medications are not only far more expensive, but they are harmful as well. Please, use the common sense, and do not abuse medications in your child. Remember, common cold will last a week if treated and 7 days if not. |
Our Practice |
Permit us to introduce you to our pediatric practice. It is one of only a few truly "old-fashion" practices left in the Chicagoland area. Our only goal is to provide the best possible medical care to our patients and to do it for a reasonable fee. It is a solo, one-man practice. Our patient schedule is strictly adhered to, and in our offices 15 minutes with the Doctor still means 15 minutes with the Doctor. In fact, our patients on average spend more time with Dr. Kovacevic than they spend in our waiting rooms. We are a "Fee-for-service" practice and participate in a limited number of so-called PPO programs. We do not accept HMO or Medicaid patients.
333 Chestnut, Suite #103
1440 Maple Avenue, Suite #4A
LISLE, IL 60532
Tel. 630.986 1010
Tel. 630.852 7666
Fax 630.986 1015
Miroslav Kovacevic, MD FAAP is a Board certified Pediatrician with over thirty years of experience in treating children. He completed his Residency in Pediatrics and his Fellowship in Neonatology at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, IL. He was certified by the American Board of Pediatrics in 1982 and after over 300,000 patient visits to his offices he has the experience and knowledge to address any problem your child might have. Dr. Kovacevic's particular expertise includes sleeping problems in infants ("ferberization"), nutrition for infants and children (including obesity and feeding problems), enuresis, encopresis, school problems and behavioral problems in children. Doctor has very strong interest in certain neuropsychiatric disorders in children (Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorders, PANDAS & PITAND syndromes, post-immunization encephalitis (ADEM) and use of IVIG (Intravenous Immunoglobulin) therapy for various neuropsychiatric and autoimmune disorders. |
Regular office hours and doctor's office hours are listed in our office location pages (HINSDALE OFFICE, LISLE OFFICE). Appointments for routine office visits ("check-ups") should be arranged at least 1 - 2 weeks in advance. We pay particular attention to the scheduling of routine appointments so that there would be only minimal mixing of sick and healthy children in our waiting rooms. We maintain a precise appointment schedule as a courtesy to all of our patients. It is advisable to arrive to the office 10 - 15 minutes ahead of your appointment time (if you are visiting our office for the first time, please come in at least 15 - 20 minutes earlier). We will make very effort to accommodate worrying parents by seeing sick children on the same day. It is helpful however to call for an appointment as early in the day as possible. |
Dr. Kovacevic's philosophy is that the only appropriate way to handle any health related inquiry is to answer it personally and immediately. Doctor answers telephone calls from parents of his patients throughout the office hours. If you have a health concern or a medical question about your child, Dr. Kovacevic will find the time to speak to you. In case of an emergency during off-hours, Doctor can be reached by dialing either of our office telephone numbers and you will be automatically switched to the answering service. Most of the time you will be connected to the Doctor while you are still on hold. Certain health concerns can be addressed via an e-mail as well. E-mail inquiry should be short and to the point. The reply to your e-mail you shall receive usually during the same working day. Important warning: Dr. Kovacevic uses commercial Internet service and cannot guarantee the HIPAA adherence in this route of communication. Please provide only absolutely necessary personal information when writing. |
Under special circumstances, e.g. complex medical problem requiring ample time for evaluation and discussion, behavioral consultation with evaluation of school records and necessary recommendations, out-of-town consults, "second opinion" services, etc. appointments outside regular office hours or on weekends can be arranged. It is advisable that our office receives any prior medical records at least one week before the appointment so that Doctor can examine them before the actual appointment. These records can be also e-mailed by using our i-consult forms. In such case submitted records upon download will be immediately removed from the server to protect your child's privacy. |
Dr. Kovacevic is a member of the Medical Staff at HINSDALE HOSPITAL in Hinsdale, IL. During the past thirty years of practice he has established close professional relationship with a number of excellent pediatric sub-specialists and several nationally renowned medical institutions that are available for consultations to his patients in case of need. |
Stephanie Oswald
Brielle Malinowski |
If your child becomes ill while traveling and you wish to obtain Dr. Kovacevic's opinion or advice, please follow these guidelines: |
If you call our offices during regular office hours make sure to mention to the receptionist that you are calling from out of town, and the Doctor will speak to you immediately. |
You can also e-mail your health-related inquiry to Doctor Kovacevic. Provide as many details as possible. Doctor checks his e-mail at least twice daily and will reply to you immediately. This might be of particular interest to the patients visiting foreign countries. Dr. Kovacevic maintains professional relationship with a number of pediatric specialists abroad and has a personal access to pediatricians in over 130 countries. If during your trip a need for local pediatric referal arises our office would be glad to make the appropriate arrangement. Keep in mind that our offices use commercial Internet service and cannot guarantee HIPAA adherence in this route of communication. Even when using Internet communication while abroad, please keep the amount of personal, traceable information to a necessary minimum! |