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Internet Consultation |
WebPediatrics.com is offering an Internet consultation service ("second opinion") to the concerned parents of sick children abroad in pediatric medicine. A group of specialists in pediatric medicine is available to review the medical documentation in complicated and/or unusual medical cases, offer an alternative diagnosis (if needed), review the prescribed therapy in these cases, and design ,if necessary, an alternative therapeutic approach to the case. It is important to point out that the quality and usefulness of an expert opinion will greatly depend on the quality and usefulness of information about the child's condition supplied to the consultants). WebPediatrics.com reserves the right to refuse to render an opinion if the supplied information about the patient is inadequate. Only after the submitted medical documentation has been examined by our expert and found to be sufficient the request will be processed. Consultations are accepted for children (birth - 14 years of age). |
Despite recent advances in technology and data transfer, Internet-based medical opinions remain only that, opinions. As this time, these opinions DO NOT and CANNOT replace the accepted standard medical care and the usual and customary relationship between patient and his or her doctor. The purpose of consulting services offered on this web page is not to replace the services and care of your child's personal physician. Experts in children's diseases will provide an alternative opinion in complicated pediatric cases, objectively review the diagnostic process completed somewhere else, and assess and advise the parents on current or future treatment alternatives. Request for consultation should be limited to pediatric medical problems and clinical presentations in which the medical resources within the country of origin of the request have not been successful in managing it. WebPediatrics.com pediatric consultations will be carried out with utmost care and professionalism. However, because of fore said limitations of Internet based medical consulting WebPediatrics.com, its consultants, owners, operators and employees cannot be held liable for the outcome of any case that consultation has been obtained for. |
Complete terms and conditions for use of this web page and services offered on it can be found in "Impressum". Please read it carefully. By submitting the request for consultation to this web site you are confirming that you have read all information supplied, and that you agree to terms and conditions set forth. |
Currently there are no precise legal guidelines governing Internet-aided doctor-patient communication and professional relationship in the United States. Consequently, services offered on this web site are not available to patients in the United States and its territories. If a parent of the child within the US wishes to obtain Dr. Kovacevic's opinion or consultation about a certain clinical issue, he or she can submit their child's medical records via the forms provided on this page, but the clinical opinion can be rendered only in the form of a standard face-to-face office consultation in our office. For this type of service, our regular office fees apply (call our offices for more information beforehand).
Case coding: on the top of each form you will find a space to write in a specific code. Code is a combination of initials of patient's first and last names, followed by day, month and year of patient's birth.
Request for WebPediatrics.com Internet consultation contains three separate forms, marked as Form #1, Form #2 and Form #3. Form #1 (Patient History Form) provides detailed history of patient's current illness, patient's past medical history, patient's family medical history and the description of patient's physical condition, treatments attempted, and established diagnoses. Laboratory tests obtained on the patient should be carefully transcribed into Form #2 (Laboratory Tests Form), and other tests and diagnostic or therapeutic procedures (x-ray studies, CT and MRI scans, Ultrasound examinations, etc.) should be reported using Form #3 (Other Tests Form). Form #3 provides ample space for detailed transcription of written reports for these tests.If feasible, the original digitalized tests like x-rays studies (high resolution scans), CT, MRI or other scans, and ultrasound images should be sent as an "Attachment" to the e-mail accompanying the Consultation request. Detailed instructions are provided within each consultation forms. |
(1) Submitted medical documentation will be examined by the Webpediatrics.com team within 72 hours after its arrival to our server. If deemed adequate, it will be sent to the appropriate consultant (consultants) at the end of this period and persons requesting the consultation will be informed accordingly by email. E-mail will also contain the exact quote for the services requested and the instructions on how the payment can be made. |
(2) Detailed written consultation will be sent by e-mail (as an "Attachment" in .doc format) to the person requesting the consultation within 5 working days after the payment for the services has arrived to our bank account. |
(3) Fee charged for the Internet consultation services will depend on the complexity of the case, the amount and quality of submitted medical documentation, and on the number of pediatric specialist involved in forming the final opinion. |
Webpediatrics.com fee samples:
(1) Basic Pediatric Consultation (from US $500.-) typically requires the services of a single pediatric specialist which include detailed review of the submitted medical documentation, second (alternative) opinion about already established diagnosis (diagnoses) and (if necessary) an alternative diagnosis, qualified opinion about the current therapy and (if necessary) recommendations on possible alternatives in therapy for the condition presented. |
(2) Pediatric Consultation of Medium Complexity (from US $750.-) requires services of at least two pediatric specialists, and includes review of a moderately complex medical documentation (medical records PLUS review of x-rays, CT scans, etc.), rendering an opinion about the established diagnosis or suggestion of possible alternative diagnosis, review of all therapies received by the patient to date, and detailed plan of future therapy for the condition presented. |
(3) Complex Pediatric Consultation with utilization of multiple pediatric specialists (from quote) is suggested in complicated pediatric cases where a multi specialist approach becomes necessary. |
Listed consultation services include all necessary e-mail communications between the person requesting the consultation and a Webpediatrics.com team representative until the consultation is completed and the Internet-based close patient follow-up. Follow-up of patients from group (1) is guaranteed for three weeks following the completion of the consultation. Patients from group (2) are followed for six weeks, and patients from the group (3) for twelve weeks. |
If you need help in completing the consultation forms or might have other questions regarding this service, please e-mail us your inquiry. |
Copyright by WebPediatrics.com©2003 * Modified Wednesday, March 03, 2010